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Selected Publications
Peer-Reviewed Publications
[Accepted] Starman, T.E. “Looking at God, Looking at America: Examining the Relationship Between Beliefs about God and Support for Social Movements and Government Policies.” Journal of Religion and Society. Awaiting Journal Release
[Under Review] *Hernandez, A. & Starman, T.E. (2024). “The Sacred and the Secular: The Intersection of Religion, Race, and Feminism with a Progressive Politic.”
*shared first authorship
[Under Review] Hopson, R.E., Harrell, C.J., Starman, T.E., Adams-Fuller, T.M, Dovil, M.A., & Tramble, B.P. “Religion, Race, Coping, and Governmental Trust in Covid-19 Vaccine Use: Implications for Public Health Practices.”
[Under Review] Starman, T.E., Harrell, C.J., Hopson, R.E., Adams-Fuller, T.M., “Developing a Scale of American Exceptionalism”
[Under Review] *Adams-Fuller, T.M., Ahlquist, J., Grumbach, J., Starman, T.E. “Wage Theft and Collective Action among Frontline Workers.”
*authors listed alphabetically
[Forthcoming] Starman, T.E. (2024). “Horace R. Cayton,” In M.C. Jipguep-Akhtar and N. Khan (Ed.), Fifty Key Scholars in Black Social Thought. Routledge.
[Forthcoming] Jipguep-Akhtar, M.C. & Starman, T.E. (2024). “Kehinde Andrews,” In M.C. Jipguep-Akhtar and N. Khan (Ed.), Fifty Key Scholars in Black Social Thought. Routledge.
[In Process] Starman, T.E. “Purity Culture Politics: The moderating effect of race and marriage on religious attitudes towards sex.”
Non-Refereed Publications
[Forthcoming] Cummings, J.E. and Starman, T.E. (2024). “Race and Physical Health.” In G. Ritzer, C. Rojek, and J.M. Ryan (Eds.), Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology (2nd ed.). Wiley.
Starman, T. E. (2024). “Book Review: Nice Churchy Patriarchy: Reclaiming Women’s Humanity from Evangelicalism.” Critical Research on Religion, 12(1), 1-3.
Starman, T.E. (2021). "A Theology Built on Meritocracy: A Theological and Sociological Examination of the Prosperity Gospel and the American Dream." Digital Commons @ ACU, Electronic Theses and Dissertations. Paper 352.
Public Reports
Adams, T.M., Davis, T., & Starman, T.E. (July 2024). 2024 Black Voters’ Harris Poll. Howard Initiative on Public Opinion. Washington, DC. (chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/
Adams, T.M., Davis, T., & Starman, T.E. (March 2024). 2024 Black Voters’ Poll Report. Howard Initiative on Public Opinion. Washington, DC. (chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/
Adams, T.M., Davis, T., & Starman, T.E. (March 2024). Super Tuesday Black Voters’ Poll Report. Howard Initiative on Public Opinion. Washington, DC. (chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/
Adams, T.M., Davis, T., & Starman, T.E. (February 2024). Michigan Black Voters’ Poll Report. Howard Initiative on Public Opinion. Washington, DC. (chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/
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